About Our Prints

These Yosemite Collection images are high quality reproductions of original photographs by Virtual Yosemite author Scott Highton.

Greeting Cards

Our 5”x7” cards are standard fold-over greeting cards printed on heavy card stock that are blank inside, with plenty of space for your own writing.  They come with matching envelopes. These cards will also fit nicely into standard 5”x7” frames available at most framing shops (or online), or in an 8”x10” frame with a mat.

Our 5”x14” panoramic cards are a unique extension on the traditional greeting card, which feature three panels (including lots of additional writing space inside) and an extended panoramic image covering the two fold-over panels on the front of the card.  They are printed on the same heavy card stock as our 5”x7” cards, and fit into the same 5”x7” card envelopes (included with each card).  They can be mailed at standard letter rates through the U.S. Postal Service (less than 1 oz.).  They also look great on a wall or over a desk, framed in your selection of 5”x14” frames, which can be purchased through numerous online frame suppliers.


Reproduction Prints

Our 12”x18” reproduction prints are high quality enlargements printed on the same heavy card stock that we use for our greeting cards.  The image size is 12”x18.”  They are printed on 13”x19” paper (1/2” border on all sides).  We offer them in three versions.

The first is a stand alone print, which can be installed in a standard 12”x18” frame (you may have to trim the print’s white borders for a proper fit).  These also can be displayed in a 16”x20” or 18”x22” frame with the appropriate 12”x18” mat.  Both frame sizes are commonly available at local frame stores or online.  (We prefer the 18”x22” frame size, which usually comes standard with a 12”x18” opening mat.)

The second and third options are the print with either a 16”x20” white or black mat featuring a custom 12”x18” opening.  We offer these mat options because standard 16”x20” frames tend to come with 11”x14” mats, and those will not show these printed images completely.  If you like a smaller 16”x20” frame size, order your print(s) from us with your choice of custom white or black mat.  However, if you prefer the slightly larger 18”x22” frame size, order our stand alone 12”x18” print(s) and use the 12”x18″ mat that generally comes with such frames.